Ahh, do you smell it? That sweet smell of frito chip paws and catnip. We’re here again – that magical time of the year when we share the snoots of every fuzzy face who has graced our camera lens this year. Bunnies, kitties, and pups, oh my! 2022 has brought a mini Noah’s Ark of pets. While you’re visiting with each pet below with iced coffee in hand (oh yea, even in the winter), let’s not forget last year’s 26 Best Dogs of 2021
Kinda like the Dundies…

But without the whitest sneaker award
presenting ….
O & B’s 15 Best Pets of 2022!!
1. Remi
- Dislikes: Peanut butter
- Jetsetter: She’s not even two years old yet and has already lived in South Carolina, Wisconsin and Illinois.
- Frequently mistaken for a baby cow

2. Knox
- Job: Big brother. He is very patient with his baby human (occasional ear pulls and all).
- Not-so-secret talent: “Talks” with his buttons- he gets A LOT of use out of the “Knox wants a treat, please” button!
- Staple of the neighborhood. He spends the majority of his day perched looking out the window; many passersby look for him while going by.

3. Benji
- King of Comfort: Will stand right by moms face, staring until she lifts the covers for him to go under them
- Has a toy hierarchy system with his plush spider at number one.
- Despite his owners purchasing him four different balls, his favorite is the wool dryer ball from the laundry basket
- He’s his mom’s emotional support animal but in a way, she might be his too. He’s been attached to her heel since moment one.

4. & 5. Remmy & Benelli (Nelli)
Remmy (Big brown lab)
- Big boy with a bigger attitude; he loves to “talk to you”
- Part merman: Crazy about swimming
- Protective over his new puppy sister, Nelli
Nelli (German shorthair pointer puppy)
- Cuddle Princess: sleeps under the covers with her parents
- Favorite hobby: Zoomies
- Boss over big brother Remmy

6. & 7. Stella & Olive
Stella (Fluffy, orange and white)
- Favorite sport: chasing snowballs or water droplets all day.
- Always grabs a bone or toy whenever her parents come home or when she’s excited
- Guilty pleasures: butt scratches and rubbing herself on dirty towels.
Olive (white with short hair)
- One ear always up
- Favorite snacks: yogurt and celery
- Knows how to talk using buttons – her favorite word is hungry.

8. & 9. Captain & Athena
Captain (white German Shepard)
- Personality of a 10 year old boy who just ate a bowl of candy.
- Favorite Hobby: Rolling in the snow at -30 degrees.
- Doesn’t understand how to play fetch but understands keep away from Athena.
Athena (black and brown German Shepard)
- Nickname: Big Momma
- Ball is life.
- Has the soul of a 60 year old lady.

10. Twyla
- You cannot proceed into the home without giving her butt scritches
- Favorite food: “Cereal and milk” aka when her parents add kefir yogurt to her breakfast
- She’s got a 9-5 being the neighborhood watch and looking out the living room window

11. Oakley
- Joins his mom for coffee each morning with his pup cup (whipped cream)
- Popular Boy: Well known at his local auto parts store. So much so that the owner even asked if he could buy Oakley because of how well loved he is there. (His parents obvi said no 😉 )
- Peaks inside the neighbors windows until they let him in to play

12. Olive
- She’s 4lbs of banana and blueberry loving fluff.
- Favorite hobby: eating mom’s houseplants 🥴🤬
- She got her name because her eyes look like, you guessed it, olives!

13. William
- Game of choice: hide and seek
- He loves the warmth of summer, the leaves in fall, and walking in snow during winter
- Joined in on his owner’s high school senior photos

14. Sydney Jean
- Favorite activity: Chasing the snow that dad shovels
- Believes that any plastic bag that is opened is cheese and she should get some
- Intentional gas: If in need of attention, she’ll go to her parents, sit down and fart

15. Raisin (Manager of O & B Photo Co)
- Has tortilla chip scented paws
- Best physical feature: square snoot – we literally measured. It’s 2″x2″
- He falls asleep with (literally) one eye open

Many of the sweet faces above came from a rescue, our Raisin included! There are many ways to support animal rescues even if you aren’t in a position to expand your family! Here are a few ways
- Donate
- Volunteer
- Foster

YOU can make
a difference
for the “Raisin’s”
Our favorite foster based rescue is Rescue Gang!
Rescue Gang’s Mission: To rehabilitate, provide medical care, and find forever
Rescue Gang
homes for abandoned and neglected animals through our foster care program.
O & B Photo Co
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