I pulled out my phone and pressed play on their first dance song.
Less than a year ago, we were photographing Emily and Kevin’s wedding. Now, as sun rays stretch through the nursery window panes, they hold their little girl tight.
I didn’t think I’d want to be captured on camera so soon after having a baby- BUT at the end of it all, being able to have photos to look back is something that will be cherished for a lifetime”
Emily on her Milwaukee In-home newborn photography session

Milwaukee Wisconsin Newborn Photography Session
Celebrating 5 weeks of Layne and nearly one year of marriage, Kevin holds his two girls close as the blissful crooning of Randy Travis filled air.

We planned this in-home newborn photography session before Layne officially entered the world. Stepping into their home and seeing them wrap this little bundle in their arms was the most natural thing in the world; Layne is theirs and it was always meant to be.
Milwaukee Newborn Photography
“I just love HER” Kevin whispered softly when I asked what he loved most about his daughter during their Milwaukee In-home newborn photography.

Pregnancy is a journey; one that comes with many changes. As we began planning their In-home Newborn photography session in Milwaukee, Emily was vulnerable with us. She was feeling not so great about all the changes her body had been through. And here is how that conversation went:
Emily: I didn’t think I’d want to be captured on camera so soon after having a baby- keeping self confidence during all these pregnancy changes is definitely something I have to continuously work on. BUT at the end of it all, being able to have photos to look back is something that will be cherished for a lifetime. I know that I’d only want YOU to be the one behind the camera capturing our new family of three.

Milwaukee Lifestyle Photographer
Olivia: Thank you for your courage and honesty. I hear you and understand about self confidence. Your body changes rapidly during pregnancy and while it doesn’t always feel beautiful, it is beautiful. You are beautiful, at every stage, every step, at every stretch mark. While I can only speak so much to pregnancy, I can speak to my own body shape and weight journey.
I wish with my whole being that I had looked at myself with kinder eyes during the times that I was most self conscious. It was during those times that I refused to be on camera at any point. Filled with shame I believe I didn’t deserve to be seen. It was because of my unkindness towards myself that I will never have those precious moments to look back on. I regret it. Deeply. Bodies are BEAUTIFUL. And I have tears in my eyes at the thought of celebrating your BEAUTIFUL post baby body, heart, and soul. I cannot wait for you to see how I see you, how your husband sees you, and how your beautiful baby girl will see you when she looks back at those memories.

And almost 8 months after their session, Emily is SO glad that she didn’t shy away from this session, and so are we. Her and Kevin look back at those photos often from their Milwaukee In-home newborn photography session.

Oh hey Milwaukeean!
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